Workshop 3: Modelling, mapping and assessing land degradation for sustainable management of land systems

Chair: Associate professor Remus Prăvalie

Multiple land degradation processes are currently threatening land systems (soils, vegetation, and inland water resources), which can significantly reduce their biological and economic productivity or erode their various ecosystem functions and services. Therefore, modelling and spatial analysis of land degradation pathways are key steps in developing knowledge-based strategies for sustainable management of land systems. 

This workshop focuses on modelling, mapping and spatial examination of land degradation processes, which may include key processes like (but not limited to) water erosion, wind erosion, soil pollution, soil salinization, landslides, vegetation degradation or desertification. The workshop encourages the use of modern tools (GIS, remote sensing, geostatistics) for approaching land degradative processes at various spatial scales and is addressed to teachers, researchers, doctoral students and all specialists interested in the general topic of land degradation. 

The workshop is organized under the aegis of the EU’s NextGenerationEU instrument through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania – Pillar III-C9-2022-I8, managed by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, within the project entitled “Complex modelling of multiple land degradation processes in Europe. Towards an integrative scientific framework for sustainable land management across the continent”, contract no. 760051/23.05.2023, code CF 216/29.11.2022. 

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