
Dear guests and participants,

ReTES international conference is one way of ‘doing’ geography at University of Bucharest. Faculty of Geography is organizing the 2024 edition aiming to cover a wide range of topics and themes driven by the changing paradigm: Geography is about ‘space’ and ‘place’. Geography is about human and economic development in 3D spatial transformations: density, distance and division. Geography is also about the world not being flat in the same way society it is not even! Does this mean that Geography could shape spatial destinies?

The conference aims to stimulate debate concerned with the challenges of territorial changes, territorial re-composition or recomposing territories. It also aims debating environmental issues concerned with policies that can be better understood and applied towards developing society through the perspective of sustainably balancing ‘spatiality’. Economic, social and political issues run through space. They produce different and differentiated spaces by changing the ‘geography of space’ as a result of heterogeneous networks of interrelated factors and actors. These aspects can only be identified through deeply tracing these networks. Spatiality is therefore embedded in the network of actors and factors. Hence ‘place’ gains emphasis particularly to help understanding 21st Century societies.


Thematic Pillars

1. Physical and Human Landscapes in Urban and Rural Areas

2. Weather, Water and Climate: living sustainable, spatial disparities and persisting divisions

3. Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Sustainable Resource Management: concentrations, convergence and integration

4. Geography, Globalization and Smart Development

5. Teaching Geography: Trends, Frontiers and Barriers



1. GeoHealth Nexus: Addressing Progress, Crisis and Resilience in Health and Healthcare

2. Ecosystem Services in Urban and Peri-Urban Landscapes

3. Modelling, mapping and assessing land degradation for sustainable management of land systems


Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography

Immigrants, Food Insecurity and Sustainable Society: The Changing Foodscapes between Culture, Health, and Diet – A special issue of Sustainability 

Economic Indicators Relating to Rural Development – A special issue of Economies 

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